PGP Global Directory OpenSearch Plugin

The PGP Global Directory OpenSearch Plugin in action!I’ve been enjoying the past couple of weeks tinkering on a number of personal projects, and came across the OpenSearch capabilities of Firefox while researching Firefox extension development.

For most users, the most visible manifestation of OpenSearch is the “search engine” feature of the browser, which allows the user to add additional search engines to their browser’s search field. This allows you to easily perform searches on Google, Amazon, and many others, directly from the search bar in Firefox (as well as Internet Explorer 7, with some caveats).

Intrigued, I built a little OpenSearch implementation: the PGP Global Directory OpenSearch Plugin. This OpenSearch plugin allows you to search for OpenPGP public keys hosted by the PGP Global Directory, right from your web browser. It’s not especially useful, but it was a fun diversion I thought I’d share. Enjoy!

New Year, New Job

After a hectic (well, not really; rather relaxing, now that I think about it) Christmas holiday, the New Year is here. And with it, my new job as a Product Manager at PGP Corporation in sunny California! I’ll be starting in mid-January, which means Ashley and I are on a hectic schedule to move down to California in the next two weeks – cue the craziness. Yes, I know, how ironic that I become yet another casualty of the brain drain, neglecting to pay the toll along the way.

It’s with some sadness that we’ll say goodbye. It’s been over three years since we returned to Vancouver, glad to escape Ireland. No sooner than we returned to Vancouver than one of its native authors, Douglas Coupland, published “City of Glass” and reminded us of all the things we love about Vancouver. With that in mind, we spent the day around Stanley Park snapping pictures of the mountains.

The North Shore Mountains

I knew that once I completed my MBA, it would probably be time to go walkabout again. Though we love Vancouver, the opportunities are pretty limited in the city at this time – so it only makes sense to see how things are in other parts of the world. Especially while we have the freedom afforded by no mortgage and no children. We will return, of course. The mountains surrounding Vancouver will always be waiting to welcome us home.