Back In Canada

I’ve finally gotten the time to settle back into normal life after our return from Ireland in October. I’m still not sure if I’m comfortable with the life of a regular working stiff. Infowave‘s a neat company and all, but it’s weird not being in charge of a development team anymore.

Oh well.

On the plus side, I’ve finally redesigned the whole web site to include all the extraneous pieces of information I’ve had sitting around on my hard drive. In the next month or so, I’ll be adding to the photos section, so that my family and friends can see some of the adventures Ashley and I have had over the past year. In addition, I hope to start writing down a lot more of the ideas I’ve been having lately, for no other purpose than to capture them in some permanent form (or at least as permanent as the Web permits).

In other interesting news, Hush hired Phil Zimmerman, the creator of PGP, as their Chief Cryptographer. Who knows, maybe my stock will be worth something after all! However, it hasn’t all been good news; after Kevin and I returned to Vancouver, Erwin decided to leave Hush. More recently, Jim and Aaron also left Hush, meaning the group of ‘original’ Hush people has dwindled considerably. It gives you real appreciation for how difficult it really is to stay with a start-up through all the trials and sacrifices, all for the mere chance that it’ll all pay off big in the end.